Why It Worked (In Julie’s View):
Hi there, my name is Julie, I’m a singer, vocalist, I work a way a lot on cruise ships and river boats. Before doing the FitQueen Plan, I was really struggling with sugar cravings, alcohol, drink nearly every day, not big amounts but just socially, so like a glass of wine with dinner, gin and tonic, maybe after work to unwind as we work in the evenings it’s very sociable and I was also struggling with the fact that I’ve I do a lot of exercise but I wasn’t seeing any results and I really wanted to make a change. I really wanted the hard work that I do in the gym and and running to sort of pay off and see some kind of results and I just wanted to make a change. I’m coming up to a big day next year and I just really wanted a change not just a short-term crash diet kind of change. I’ve done a lot of trying to change my eating and often lose weight quite quickly in the first week and then just no consistency and really struggling with any kind of consistency and I kind of got completely stuck for a long time at a certain plateau.
So on the FitQueen plan it’s been amazing, the changes are just incredible and not just the changes physically I’ve lost four and a half kilos now in seven weeks really gently really consistently and the plan is very flexible because your coach lays it all out so you don’t have to count any calories it’s all just kind of done set out for you.
If you want to go out for meal they really guide you, my coach is very encouraging. I love getting my little pings in my in the app in my message in my inbox with little messages and she’s been absolutely brilliant.
I’ve been loving the exercise plans more than anything I’ve ever done because I’ve started to do a lot more weight training based exercises and they’re just so much better for toning up I’ve cut my cardio quite a bit I’m still I’m still doing cardio to burn calories because I actually really enjoy it but I’m also doing a lot more exercises and exercises that I haven’t quite done before that I’m really enjoying.
The biggest change for me is having a structured food plan that I don’t have to think about the meals are delicious she’s made it so easy. I’m not a cook I really don’t like cooking my partner usually cooks all the time he’s really pleased because now I’m actually making a lot of the meals.
I’ve really learnt over the last seven weeks I thought I was quite educated on food and calories and all of that but actually I’ve kind of discovered so many more things that I can eat that will be so good for me I’m eating more regularly as well that’s a brilliant change I’m eating breakfast lunch and dinner and also if you want snacks you can have really good snacks as well so it’s very flexible you can have three big meals a day bigger meals a day or you couldn’t have three slightly smaller meals a day and have snacks because I like to graze I’ve always been someone that likes to sort of munch through the day the other amazing thing that’s happened for me is shockingly enough I just love the actual structure of it I feel really clear I’ve got more energy because I’m eating and fueling my body more regularly and just feeling really good so it’s not just physically it’s the mental aspect of it the change, the clarity.
I’m drinking a lot more water and the other massive change that I’ve made is I’ve gone from drinking alcohol nearly every night to maybe once a week which has been allowed in the plan and the miraculous thing is I never thought I could do this but I don’t even want it. I genuinely don’t drink more than one drink now, I mean if you’re watching this and you’re thinking I could never do that trust me you can.
The best thing about this plan is I I can’t believe how easy I’ve found it. First couple of weeks took a little bit of adjustment but I’m full all the time I’m not hungry, my cravings have disappeared because of the sugar that I’m not having. I’m losing kilos and I’v completely changing shape and I’m loving it.
I would say to anyone that’s considering doing this it’s just such a good thing to do and you can lose weight and change shape in such a short amount of time and actually the longer it goes on the easier it gets in a way because you see the changes you get motivated and then you just want to carry on. It just feels so good to see consistent results.
Sorry if I’ve rambled on everyone I do get very excitable but I can’t tell you how good this whole plan and FitQueen is, how positive it’s been physically and more so just totally on my mindset, my energy levels, my consistency… So once again FitQueen and Emily, Thank you. Juju xx